WHO IS l.w.f.d.?

The History

The creation of L.W.F.D. happened through a culmination of life, world and artistic experiences that made Artist Ferrin Mitchell desire to design clothing & art the could speak to and represent the experiences & history of Black Americans and the Black Diaspora.

L.W.F.D. stands for "Look What Ferrin Did!" The slogan originates from a customized magnet Ferrin's Grandmother would use to showcase her artwork & accomplishments as a child!

The original LWFD magnet

What Mission?

LWFD is a Black Empowerment Brand, designed to inspire African Americans and represent our people, culture, power, history and beliefs. To create art & designs that are fully & unapologetically Black!

The Artist, Ferrin speaks with ARD^1 German Radio & Television Network
Artist, Ferrin speaks at Michigan's State Capitol Building